I absolutely love being an artist and creating things out of nothing. It is very rewarding and humbling to positively impact someone through what I’ve made.
Maybe you’re an artist too and you know firsthand that fulfillment. And maybe you’re not artistically inclined, but did you know that you also have creative abilities woven right into your DNA? Genesis 1:27 tells us that we were created in the image of God, and He is “the” Creator!
If you are quick to shrug off that notion, I could go on and on listing ways that we all create but consider just one: By simply being “you,” you create an atmosphere for those around you. For good, or not so good, we each have been given the powerful gift of influence.
Possibly the simplest way to exercise this gift is to smile at the next weary soul that passes by and watch how their countenance changes. I’ll bet you create a smile where there was none!
So very true. Especially about creativity being in our DNA. In my own family, I see the gifts of writing and teaching through several generations. Others may see music abilities, scientific propensities, artistic talents, etc. in their families. Whatever it might be, it is truly a gift from God to that individual and family line, and to the world. As the saying goes, how we use that God-given gift is our gift to Him. Thank you, Michele, for using yours so beautifully and masterfully!
Your posts/mini blogs absolutely resonate with me! Please continue to write, paint and share your thoughts and biblical perspective. It’s a ministry!! ❤️❤️