Too many of my friends are walking through extremely challenging times right now which seem to quickly dwarf my own. Others wonder how I walk my walk; meanwhile, I wonder how others walk theirs. Though our journeys are very different, one thing is blatantly the same: the need to trust God in the midst of our screaming doubts, fears and hurts.
It can be so easy to tell someone that they need to trust God; but trusting Him when you are the one who is trying to stand in the middle of a raging storm that threatens that which is precious to you can be a very different and difficult thing. So how do we trust God who we don’t see when all that we do see seems to contradict His goodness? First, we need to ‘know’ Him and His character. Second, we need to constantly surrender our will and understanding and submit to His. It sounds so sobering, but the rewards are oh so glorious!
Years ago, while doing a Bible study by Beth Moore she said something that I’ve never forgotten. She said, “The greatest breakthrough of faith we can ever experience is to let God bring us to a place where we trust Him. There is no greater victory for us and no harsher blow to Satan.” In seasons of great faith, I have witnessed this firsthand as I felt like nothing could rock me because my trust was so resolved. But I am in a new battle now and need to re-equip myself for such. Until I resolve certain things regarding my faith, Satan will continue to threaten me.
I had the MRI and CT scan on Friday and now I am waiting for the results. I have really been praying for my response should the tests come back normal because I desperately want to understand why it is getting harder and harder for me to walk instead of getting better. I want to know that ‘tomorrow’ is going to be okay (physically speaking) and without answers I don’t know that. But as my ‘uncle’ reminded me last week, “We lean not on our own understanding”.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6
The photo above and the one below are of my oldest niece and her dad from many years ago. Back when my sister first showed me the pictures, my spirit resonated with the truth the photos seemed to be declaring to me. I mounted and framed both of them and entitled the first photo “Trust” as it made me think of Jesus and me walking an unknown (to me) path together. It’s winding with the potential of danger should I let go of my Father’s hand. I am timid of what lies ahead, so I stay a step behind, but curiosity has me peeking nonetheless. My Father knows what is ahead though and is well prepared for any need that I may have along the way. His steps are sure and secure. I can trust Him fully despite what ‘could be’ ahead because He has me firmly in His grip.
This second photo I entitled “Inheritance”. I saw this picture as Jesus showing me my reward for trusting Him along that unknown pathway. Perseverance is key. Had I not walked that entire road with Him, I would never have gotten to that place of beauty and reward. So, I end by encouraging you AND myself by remembering that God’s plans for us are GOOD…we can’t base our opinions of that on the rocky terrain where we may be walking today.
That is beautiful Michele! We are trusting in Him for answers and healing! xox
Thank you Michele! Your words are so encouraging. God’s plans for us are Good!
Michele, We are on the same pg, different battles. God just gave me Jer 29:11! Hope this Scripture comforts you, my (friend), don’t have exact vs on me, but the one that says “Why worry about tommorow, worry cannot add one cubit, today has enough worries of it’s own.” God used you to comfort me so much today. I Needed this Exact Word. Michele, you, we, are not alone. But, that’s the devil’s whisper right, “Tara, you are all alone in this, no one cares.” Love u girl! Thanks for posting!
Precious pictures that say it all. Standing with you in prayer.
WOW! I love what you have just shared. Michele you know that you are very special to me and many others. I stand with those who know you who will agree saying what an inspiration you are to all of us. I am blessed to know you and honored to go to the Lord in prayer for you daily.
Your words are truth, you encourage others as you walk your walk.Thank you for sharing. I love the pictures for the visual. Precious!
praise the lord