This is a drawing of one of my recent x-rays which represents well over 20 surgeries. I have been beyond blessed to have had only 3 surgeons my entire life, all who were/are extremely skilled and gifted to work with my deformed anatomy. Nonetheless, I still need crutches to walk, which is the truth portrayed in “Not By Might”. Because so much of my life has been spent in the OR, hospitals and spica casts, this drawing is a visual journal of sorts, telling my life story. Because of that, I saw my x-ray as a work of art in and of itself, displaying years of man’s skill, efforts and God’s grace.
Hindsight, I never should have done this piece in pastels. While they worked well for the majority of the piece and allowed me to work on black paper, the two prostheses should be pure white with crisp lines…two things you cannot obtain with pastel pencils. Additionally, I had planned to write out Zechariah 4:6 directly on the drawing, but you cannot make a sharp point on a pastel pencil, so unfortunately, it would have been too difficult to read.
I was excited to work on this week’s challenge as I had the initial vision for it a couple months ago, but waited for the perfect time to create it. I saw my doctor last week at which time x-rays showed everything to be good; so, 6 months after my last surgery he has released me to begin physical therapy!! I am super excited about this as I feel I have been doing the best I can on this side of exercising. However, due to a damaged spinal cord and damaged muscles, I have been at this long enough to know that all the exercising in the world will not get me off the crutches…ONLY God will.
‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Zechariah 4:6
If you missed my post which explains this year-long challenge, please read You’re Invited To The Unveilings.
Your work is so amazing to me. God has truly enabled you to work in any medium you desire. Just looking at this reveals how painful it must be to have gone through all those surgeries. You have truly made lemonade out of lemons!! Bless you and your efforts.
That picture of your x-ray is sort of ugly–until you realize this: it’s a picture of the person God created you to be and reveal himself through. Still praying for you to walk. But meanwhile, you are a beautiful picture of the handiwork of God for his glory.
It looks so real – like the actual x-ray. Is there anything you can’t do?! LOL I already know the answer…”I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.”
Incredible! It looks so real. Not only do I love see the art, but hearing your heart behind it.