I have been trying to limit working on each week’s challenges to the weekends, so since I knew this past weekend would be a full one for me, I planned for a simple watercolor. While the limited time forced me to stay away from too much detail, I also went into this week’s challenge determined to be looser…and it worked! I still have so much to learn and overcome, but I learned an awful lot working on “Temptation”. It’s so funny how tense I am working loosely since it is so against what I am used to! This loosening up thing sure is a process.
Another aspect to this week’s challenge was that I painted from an actual apple and not a photo that I had taken. I almost always paint from photos, but this is not necessarily a good thing on many levels. But as my friend said, I can’t exactly get a child to pose for me for 26 hours while I paint them. But when I can, it is great practice for me to paint from life!
If you missed my post which explains this year-long challenge, please read You’re Invited To The Unveilings.
You know, with a title like that, I thought you might have painted a donut… :o)
A couple more temptations and we can make a pie 🙂
Now what would be REALLY tempting is something
CHOCOLATE! Thanks for not painting a Hershey bar! Love you.
Michele, I enjoyed the comments that made me laugh, as well as your painting. I am still laughing.